Acacia Protection, Psychic Powers |
Adam & Eve Roots Love, Happiness |
Adders Tongue Healing |
African Violet Spirituality, Protection |
Agaric Fertility |
Agrimony Protection, Sleep |
Ague Root Protection |
Alfalfa Prosperity, Anti-hunger, Money |
Alkanet Purification, Prosperity |
Allspice Money, Luck, Healing |
Almond Money, Prosperity, Wisdom |
Aloe Protection, Luck |
Aloes, Wood Love, Spirituality |
Althea Protection, Psychic Powers |
Alyssum Protection, Moderating Anger |
Amaranth Healing, Protection, Invisibility |
Anemone Health, Protection, Healing |
Angelica Exorcism, Protection, Healing, Visions |
Apple Love,Healing, Garden Magic, Immortality |
Apricot Love |
Arabic Gum Purify negativity and evil |
Arbutus Exorcism, Protection |
Asafoetida Exorcism, Purification, Protection |
Ash Protection, Prosperity, Sea Rituals, Health |
Aspen Eloquence, Anti-Theft |
Aster Love |
Avens Exorcism, Purification,Love |
Avocado Love, Lust, Beauty |
Bachelor's Buttons Love |
Balm, Lemon Love,Success, Healing |
Balm of Gilead Love,Manifestations,Protection,Healing |
Bamboo Protection, Luck, Hex-Breaking, Wishes |
Banana Fertility, Potency, Prosperity |
Banyan Luck |
Barley Love, Healing, Protection |
Basil Love, Exorcism, Wealth, Flying, Protection |
Bay Protection, Psychic Powers, Healing, Purification, Strength |
Bean Protection, Exorcism, Wart Charming, Reconciliation's Potency, Love |
Bedstraw/Fragrant Love |
Beech Wishes |
Beet love |
Belladonna astral projection *DEADLY POISON!! |
Benzoin Purification, Prosperity |
Bergamot, Orange Money |
Be-Still Luck |
Betony/wood Protection,Purification,Love |
Birch Protection, Exorcism, Purification |
Bistort Psychic Powers, Fertility |
Bittersweet Protection, Healing |
Blackberry Healing, Money, Protection |
Bladderwrack Protection, Sea Spells, Wind Spells, Money, Psychic Powers |
Bleeding Heart Love |
Bloodroot Love, Protection, Purification |
Bluebell Luck, Truth |
Blueberry Protection |
Blue Flag Money |
Bodhi Fertility, Protection, Wisdom, Meditation |
Boneset Protection, Exorcism |
Borage Courage, Psychic Powers |
Bracken Healing, Rune Magic, Prophetic Dreams |
Brazil Nut Love |
Briony Image Magic, Money, Protection |
Bromeliad Protection, Money |
Broom Purification, Protection, Wind Spells, Divination |
Buchu Psychic Powers, Prophetic Dreams |
Buckthorn Protection, Exorcism, Wishes, Legal Matters |
Buckwheat Money, Protection |
Burdock Protection, Healing |
Cabbage Luck |
Cactus Protection, Chastity |
Calamus Luck, Healing, Money, Protection |
Camellia Riches |
Camphor Chastity, Health, Divination |
Caper Potency, Lust, Luck |
Carawy Protection, Lust, Health, Anti-theft, Mental Powers |
Cardamon Lust, Love |
Carnation Protection, Strength, Healing |
Carob Protection, Health |
Carrot Fertility, Lust |
Cascara Sagrada Legal Matters, Money, Protection, |
Cashew Money |
Castor Protection |
Catnip Cat Magic, Love, Beauty, Happiness |
Cattail Lust |
Cedar Healing, Purification, Money, Protection |
Celandine Protection, Escape, Happiness, Legal Matters |
Celery Mental Powers, Lust, Psychic Powers |
Centaury Snake Removing |
Chamomile Money, Sleep, Love, Purification |
Cherry Love, divination |
Chestnut Love |
Chickweed Fertility, Love |
Chicory Removing Obstacles, Invisibility, favors, Frigidity |
Chili pepper Fidelity, hex Breaking, Love |
China Berry Luck |
Chrysanthemum Protection |
Cinchona Luck, Protection |
Cinnamon Spirituality, Success, Healing, Power, Psychic Powers, Lust, Protection, Love |
Cinquefoil Money, Protection, Prophetic Dreams, Sleep |
Citron Psychic Powers, Healing |
Cloth of Gold Understand animal languages |
Clove Protection, Exorcism, Love, Money |
Clover Protection, Money, Love, fidelity, Exorcism, Success |
Club Moss Protection, Power |
Coconut Purification, Protection, Chastity |
Cohosh,Black love, courage,protection,potency |
Coltsfoot Love,Visions |
Columbine Courage,Love |
Comfrey Safety during travel, Money |
Copal Love, Purification |
Coriander Love,Health, Healing |
Corn protection,luck, divination |
Cotton Luck,Healing,Protection,Rain,Fishing Magic |
Cowslip Healing,Youth,Treasure Finding |
Crocus Love, Visions |
Cubeb Love |
Cuckoo-flower Fertility,Lover |
Cucumber Chastity,Healing,Fertility |
Cumin Protection,Fidelity, Exorcism |
Curry Protection |
Cyclamen fertility,Protection,Happiness, Lust |
Cypress Longevity, Healing, Comfort,Protection |
Daffodil Love,Fertility, Luck |
Daisy Lust,Luck |
Damiana Lust, Love, Visions |
Dandelion Divination,Wishes,Calling Spirits |
Datura Hex Breaking,Sleep,Protection |
Deerstongue Lust, Psychic Powers |
Devils Bit Exorcism, Love, Protection, Lust |
Devils Shoestring Protection, Gambling, Luck, Power, Employment |
Dill Protection, Money, Lust,Luck |
Dittany of Crete Manifestations, Astral Projection |
Dock Healing,Fertility, Money |
Dodder Love,Divination,Knot Magic |
Dogbane Love |
Dogwood Wishes, Protection |
Dragons Blood Love,Protection,Exorcism,Potency |
Dulse Lust, Harmony |
Dutchmans Breeches Love |
Ebony Protection, Power |
Echinacea Strengthening Spells |
Edelweiss Invisibility, Bullet-Proofing |
Elder Exorcism,Protection,Healing,Prosperity,Sleep |
Elecampane Love,Protection,Psychic Powers |
Elm Love |
Endive Lust,Love |
Eryngo Traveler's Luck, Peace, Lust, Love |
Eucalyptus Healing,Protection |
Euphorbia Purification, Protection |
Eyebright Mental Powers, Psychic Power |
Fennel Protection, Healing, Purification |
Fenugreek Money |
Fern Rain Making, Protection,Luck,Riches,Eternal Youth, Health, Exorcism |
Feverfew Protection |
Fig Divination,Fertility, Love |
Figwort Health,Protection |
Flax Money, Protection,Beauty,Psychic Powers, Healing |
Fleabane Exorcism, Protection, Chastity |
Foxglove Protection |
Frankincense Protection, Exorcism, Spirituality |
Fumitory Money, Exorcism |
Fuzzy Weed Love,Hunting |
Galangal Protection, Lust, Health, Money, Psychic Powers, Hex breaking |
Gardenia Love, Peace, Healing, Spirituality |
Garlic Protection, Healing, Exorcism, Lust, Anti-Theft |
Gentian Love, Power |
Geranium Fertility, Health, Love, Protection |
Ginger Love, Money, Success, Power |
Ginseng Love, Wishes, Healing, Beauty, Protection, Lust |
Goats Rue Healing, Health |
Goldenrod Money, Divination |
Golden Seal Healing, Money |
Gorse Protection, Money |
Gotu Kola Meditation |
Gourd Protection |
Grain Protection |
Grains of Paradise Lust, Luck, Love, Money, Wishes |
Grape Fertility, Garden Magic, Mental Powers,Money |
Grass Psychic Powers, Protection |
Ground Ivy Divination |
Groundsel Health, Healing |
Hawthorn Fertility, Chastity, Fishing Magic, Happiness |
Hazel Luck, Fertility, Anti-Lightning, Protection, Wishes |
Heather Protection, Rain Making, Luck |
Heliotrope Exorcism, Prophetic dreams, Healing, Wealth, Invisibility |
Hellebore,Black Protection *POISON* |
Hemlock Destroy sexual drives *POISON* |
Hemp Healing, Love, Vision, Meditation |
Henbane POISON Not used |
Henna Healing |
Hibiscus Lust,Love, Divination |
Hickory Legal Matters |
High John the Conqueror Money, Love, Success, Happiness |
Holly Protection, Anti-Lightning, Luck, Dream Magic |
Honesty Money, Repelling Monsters |
Honeysuckle Money, Psychic Powers, Protection |
Hops Healing, Sleep |
Horehound Protection, Mental Powers, Exorcism, Healing |
Horse Chestnut Money, Healing |
Horseradish Purification, Exorcism |
Horsetail Snake Charming, Fertility |
Houndstongue Tying dogs tongues |
Houseleek Luck,Protection, Love |
Huckleberry Luck, Protection, Dream Magic, Hex Breaking |
Hyacinth Love, Protection, Happiness |
Hydrangea Hex Breaking |
Hyssop Purification, Protection |
Indian Paint Brush Love |
Iris Purification, Wisdom |
Irish Moss Money, Luck, Protection |
Ivy Protection, Healing |
Jasmine Love, Money, Prophetic Dreams |
Jobs Tears Healing, Wishes, Luck |
Joe-pye weed Love, Respect |
Juniper Protection, Anti-theft, Love, Exorcism, Health |
Kava-Kava Visions, Protection, luck |
Knotweed Binding, Health |
Ladys mantle Love |
Ladys slipper Protection |
Larch Protection, Anti theft |
Larkspur Health, Protection |
Lavendar Love, Protection, Sleep, Chastity, Longevity, Purification, Happiness, Peace |
Leek Love, Protection, Exorcism |
Lemon Longevity, Purification, Love, Friendship |
Lemongrass Repel snakes, Lust, Psychic powers |
Lemon Verbena Purification, Love |
Lettuce Chastity, Protection, Love, Divination, Sleep |
Licorice Love,Lust, Fidelity |
Life Everlasting longevity, Health, Healing |
Lilac Exorcism, Protection |
Lily Protection, Breaking Love spells |
Lily of the Valley Mental Powers, Happiness |
Lime Healing,Love,Protection |
Linden Protection, Immortality, Luck, Love, Sleep |
Liquidamber Protection |
Liverwort Protection |
Liverwort Love |
Looestrife Peace,Protection |
Lotus Protection, Lock-Opening |
Lovage Love |
Love Seed Love,Friendship |
Lucky Hand Employment, Luck, Protection, Money, Travel |
Mace Psychic Powers, Mental Powers |
Maguey Lust |
Magnolia Fidelity |
Mahogany,mountain Anti-Lightning |
Maidenhair Beauty, Love |
Male Fern Luck, Love |
Mallow Love, Protection, Exorcism |
Mandrake Protection,Love, Money, Fertility, Health |
Maple Love, Longevity, Money |
Marigold Protection, Prophetic Dreams, Legal Matters, Psychic Powers |
Marjoram Protection, love, Happiness, Health, Money |
Master Wort Strength, Courage, Protection |
Mastic Psychic Powers, Manifestations, Lust |
May Apple Money |
Meadow Rue Divination |
Meadowsweet Love, Divination, Peace, Happiness |
Mesquite Healing |
Mimosa Protection, Love, Prophetic Dreams, Purification |
Mint Money,Love,Lust,Healing, Exorcism,Travel, Protection |
Mistletoe Protection, Love, Hunting, Fertility, Health, Exorcism |
Molukka Protection |
Moonwort Money, Love |
Moss Luck,Money |
Mugwort Strength, Psychic Powers, Protection, Prophetic Dreams, Healing, Astral Projection |
Mulberry Protection, Strength |
Mullein Courage, Protection, Health, Love,Divination, Exorcism |
Mustard Fertility, Protection, Mental Powers |
Myrrh Protection, Exorcism, Healing, Spirituality |
Myrtle Love, Fertility, Youth, Peace, Money |
Nettle Exorcism, Protection, Healing, Lust |
Norfolk Island Pine Protection, anti hunger |
Nuts Fertility,prosperity, love, luck |
Oak Protection, Health, Money, Healing, Potency, Fertility, Luck |
Oats Money |
Olive Healing, Peace, Fertility, Potency, Protection, Lust |
Onion Protection,Exorcism, Healing, Money, Prophetic Dreams, Lust |
Orange Love, Divination, Luck, Money |
Orchid Love |
Oregon Grape Money, Prosperity |
Orris Love, Protection, Divination |
Palm,Date Fertility, Potency |
Pansy Love,Rain Magic, Love, Divination |
Papaya Love, Protection |
Papyrus protection |
Parosela hunting |
Parsley Love, Protection, Purification |
Passion Flower Peace,Sleep, Friendship |
Patchouli Money, Fertility, Lust |
Pea Money,Love |
Peach Love, Exorcism, Longevity,. Fertility, Wishes |
Pear Lust, Love |
Pecan Money, Employment |
Pennyroyal Strength, Protection, Peace |
Peony Protection, Exorcism |
Pepper Protection,Exorcism |
Peppermint Purification, Sleep, Love, Healing, Psychic Powers |
Pepper Tree Purification, Healing, Protection |
Periwinkle Love, Lust, Mental Powers, Money, Protection |
Persimmon Changing Sex, healing, luck |
Plot Weed Protection |
Pimento Love |
Pimpernel Protection,Health |
Pine Healing, Fertility, Protection, Exorcism, Money |
Pineapple Luck, Money, Chastity |
Pipsissewa Money, Spirit Calling |
Pistachio Breaking Love Spells |
Plantain Healing, Protection, Strength,Snake Repelling |
Plum Healing |
Plumeria Love |
Poke Courage, Hex Breaking |
Pomegranate Divination, Luck, Wishes, Wealth, Fertility |
Poplar Money, Flying |
Poppy Fertility,Love, Sleep, Money,Luck, Invisibility |
Potato Image Magic, Healing |
Prickly Ash Love |
Primrose Protection, Love |
Purslane Sleep, Love, Luck, Protection, Happiness |
Quassia Love |
Quince Protection,Love,Happiness |
Radish Protection, Lust |
Ragweed Courage |
Ragwort Protection |
Raspberry Protection, Love |
Rattlesnake Root Protection,Money |
Rhubarb Protection, Fidelity |
Rice Protection, Rain, Fertility, Money |
Roots Protection, Power, Divination |
Rose Love, Psychic Powers, Healing, Love, Divination, Luck, Protection |
Rosemary Protection, Love, Lust, Mental Powers, Exorcism, Purification, Healing,Sleep, Youth |
Rowan Psychic Powers,Healing, Protection,Power, Success |
Rue Healing,Health, Mental Powers, Exorcism, Love |
Rye Love, Fidelity |
Saffron Love, Healing,Happiness, Wind Raising, Lust, Strength, Psychic Powers. |
Sage Immortality, Longevity, Wisdom, Protection, Wishes |
Sagebrush Purification, Exorcism |
St.Johns Wort Health, Power,Protection,Strength, Love, Divination, Happiness |
Sandalwood Protection, Healing, Exorcism, Spirituality |
Sarsaparilla Love, Money |
Sassafras Health, Money |
Savory/Summer Mental Powers |
Skullcap Love, Fidelity, Peace |
Senna Love |
Sesame Money. Lust |
Shallot Purification |
Skunk Cabbage Legal Matters |
Slippery Elm Halts Gossip |
Sloe Exorcism, Protection |
Snakeroot Luck Money |
Snakeroot/black Love,Lust,Money |
Snapdragon Protection |
Solomon's Seal Protection,Exorcism |
Sorrel Wood Healing,Health |
Southern Wood Love,Lust,Protection |
Spanish Moss Protection |
Spearmint Healing,Love,Mental Powers |
SpiderWort Love |
Spikenard Love |
Squill Money,Protection,Hex Breaking |
Star/anise Psychic Powers, Luck |
Stillengia Psychic Powers |
Straw Luck,Image Magic |
Strawberry Love,Luck |
Sugar Cane Love,Lust |
Sumbul Love,Luck,Health,Psychic Powers |
Sunflower Fertility,Wishes,Health,Wisdom |
Sweetgrass Calling Spirits |
Sweetpea Friendship,Chastity,Courage,Strength |
Tamarind Love |
Tamarisk Exorcism,Protection |
Tansy Health,Longevity |
Tea Riches,Courage,Strength |
Thistle Strength,Protection,Hex Breaking,Healing |
Thistle/holy Purification,Hex Breaking |
Thistle/milk Snake enraging |
Thyme health,Healing,Sleep,Psychic Powers,Love,Purification,Courage |
Ti Protection,Healing |
Toadflax Protection,Hex Breaking |
Toadstool Rain Making |
Tobacco Healing,Purification |
Turmeric Purification |
Turnip Protection,Ending Relationships |
Uva Ursa Psychic Workings |
Valerian Love,Sleep,Purification,Protection |
Vanilla Love,Lust,Mental Powers |
Venus Flytrap Protection,Love |
Vervain Love, Protection, Purification, Peace, Money, Youth, Chastity, Sleep,Healing |
Vetch/Giant Fidelity |
Vetivert Love, Hex Breaking, Luck, Money, Anti-Theft |
Violet Protection, Luck, Love, Lust, Wishes, Peace, Healing |
Wah OOHex-breaking, Courage, Success |
Walnut Health, Mental Powers, Infertility, Wishes |
Wax Plant Protection |
Wheat Fertility, Money |
Willow Love, divination, Protection, Healing |
Wintergreen Protection, Healing, Hex Breaking |
Winters Bark Success |
WItch Grass Happiness, Lust,love, Exorcism |
Witch Hazel Protection, Chastity |
Wolfs Bane Protection, Invisibility |
Wood Rose Luck |
Woodruff Victory, Protection, Money |
Wormwood Psychic Powers, Protection, Love, Calling Spirits |
Yarrow Courage, Love, Psychic Powers, Exorcism |
Yellow Evening Primrose Hunting |
Yerba Mate Fidelity, Love, Lust |
Yerba Santa Beauty, Healing, Psychic Powers, Protection |
Yew Raising the Dead |
Yohimbe Love,Lust |
Yucca Transmutation, Protection, Purification |
Harvesting & Processing |
Although some herbs may be collected all year, most have a particular growing season and must be harvested and either used immediately or preserved for use in the following year. Herbs need to be processed quickly to prevent deterioration and retain their healing action. Gather only healthy plants, free from disease, insect damage, or pollution. |
Harvesting from the Wild |
Wild plants offer a free and natural source of herbal remedies and give the satisfaction of collecting herbs in the traditional way. Furthermore, active constituents are often more highly concentrated in wild plants since the herb is likely to be growing in its preferred environment. |
Identification |
Proper identification of wild plants is essential. Use a field or wild flower guide to help you, since many plants look similar. If in doubt, do not pick the plant, because poisoning can result from misidentification. |
Ecological & Legal Factors |
While common species, such as nettle, may be readily harvested from the wild, many rarer species are under great pressure due to the lack of a suitable habitat. In many countries it is illegal to uproot any wild plant, and certain species may be protected. Although gathering medicinal plants such as helonias or gentian, may be legal in some countries, it will only reduce their future chances of survival in the wild . Never pick rare or uncommon plants from the wild, even if they are locally plentiful, and do not collect more than you will use. Do not harvest bark from the wild. Do not collect from roadsides, close to factories, or in areas where crop spraying has occurred. Ideally, you will be familiar with the site from which you are harvesting herbs and knowledgeable about local pollution risks. |
Harvesting from your Garden |
Cultivated herbs provide a ready supply of fresh material in a controlled environment. Harvesting garden plants can be combined with pruning the plant, removing unwanted shoots, and encouraging bushiness. Cut perennials carefully so that plants can quickly regrow. Some medicinal plants, such as lemon balm, provide two or more crops per year. |
General Advice |
Harvesting medicinal herbs requires careful planning to make sure that the parts are processed in peak condition and fast enough to retain their active ingredients. |
Equipment |
If possible, use a wooden tray or an open basket for collecting medicinal herbs. This prevents crushing and deterioration of the plant. In the wild, a non- nylon rucksack or canvas sack may be more appropriate. Take a field or wildflower guide with you to aid in identification. Always make cuts with a shape knife or scissors to minimize damage to the plant, and in general try to handle plants as little as possible. Wear gloves if gathering prickly or allergenic plants, such as rue, to avoid an allergic reaction. |
What to Look for |
Collect material from healthy plants that are free from disease, insect damage, and, in the case of wild plants, pollution. It is important to discard any damaged plants since they can lead to disease or decay in dried plant material. Do not mix cut plant material to avoid mistakes in identification. |
When to Harvest |
Gather herbs in dry weather, preferably on a sunny morning after the dew has evaporated. |
Picking in the right weather conditions, when the plant is at its peak of maturity, ensures that it will have a high concentration of active constituents. Unless otherwise stated in the individual plant entries. Leaves are best collected as they open during the spring or summer months, flowers as they start to bloom, fruit and berries just as they become ripe, and roots in the autumn once the plant has drawn its vitality back below the ground. Bark must be gathered with great care if the shrub or tree is to survive- in most cases, harvest it in the spring or autumn. |
The Correct Medicinal Part |
In many cases, different parts of the same plant- for example, the leaves and seeds- can have quite different actions and uses. Make sure that you harvest the correct medicinal part of the plant for your purposes. |
Processing Quickly |
Only collect plant material that you will be able to either use or process immediately after harvesting. This is important because fresh plant material, especially tender flowers and leaves, deteriorates very quickly, and the medicinally active constituents are often the first to be affected. In particular, aromatic herbs, which leave their scent in the air or on your skin, can lose their volatile oils within hours. Salad leaves and culinary herbs are best eaten right away to make the most of their nutrients, although they can be stored for a few days in a plastic bag filled with air in a refrigerator. |
Processing |
Herbs can be preserved in a number |
The Herbal Encyclopedia |
Gathering, Storing, and Using your Herbs |
GATHERING: When gathering or harvesting your herbs, first be absolutely |
sure you know what you are |
gathering! This is very important when gathering plants from the wild. |
Be absolutely certain you know what |
the plant is before you attempt to use it. If you are not sure of a |
particular plant, or it "looks like" something |
but could be something else, leave it alone. You would be better off to |
purchase the herb through a store or |
mail order. The alternative may leave you dead. If you care about our |
natural plants, you will prefer to |
purchase or grow what you need. Today's herbal needs are creating quite |
a strain on the numbers of |
medicinal plants in the wild. |
Know what part of the plant you need. Some plants are used in their |
entirety, others only specific parts. When |
you are gathering plants from the wild, remember not to take all of a |
particular species you may find in an |
area. Leave some to grow and seed and flourish for the next time you |
need them. Removing all of a group of |
plants is rude, and the Goddess would not be pleased. Give thanks to the |
plants you take for your uses. |
Sprinkle around some of their seeds, to help them propagate Give them |
an offering, i.e. some natural |
fertilizer, a prayer, etc. in return for your uses. When taking leaves |
or branches of a plant, leave plenty for |
the plant to survive. You should offer the same respect to those plants |
you gather from your own gardens. Be |
kind to the Mother and all She has to offer, and She will reward you for |
your efforts. |
The parts of the plant above ground should be harvested in the morning, |
before the heat of the sun has a |
chance to wilt them. It is preferable to do so when the dew is still on |
the plants. Leaves should be harvested |
before the buds and blooms appear, and flowers should be harvested |
before the fruits and seeds appear. Bark |
and roots should be harvested in the early spring, just as the plant is |
beginning to show its leaf buds, or in the |
fall, just as the leaves are turning. Don't strip bark from around a |
tree trunk, as this will kill it. Instead, strip |
bark from small patches, or particular limbs, to preserve the mother |
plant for later use, and to preserve its |
life. |
When using an entire plant, it is customary to hang the plant upside |
down in a dry area free from pests to |
allow the plant to dry. Make sure your herbs have dried thoroughly |
before storing them for further use, or |
you may discover that you have a moldy mess instead of a medicinal herb. |
Roots should be carefully washed, |
scraped, and chopped into small pieces to be sure they dry uniformly and |
thoroughly. Bulbs are tied together |
and strung up to dry. |
The dried portions can then be stored according to your needs. Roots are |
usually ground into powder for use, |
or left in small chunks for uses in decoctions, tinctures, and syrups. |
Leaves are stored in their entirety, or |
crumbled for use in teas. The same applies for blossoms. Store your |
herbs in air-tight containers. The best |
containers to use are colored glass. The herb then does not pick up |
impurities from plastics, and does not eat |
through your plastics, as can happen. Store in a dry, cool area, and |
keep out of the light. This is the reason |
for using colored glass. Light can often break down the healing |
properties of your gathered herbs, |
shortening their shelf life and rendering them nearly useless after a |
short period of time. If stored properly, |
the shelf life of dried herbs is approximately one year. Tinctures can |
be stored for up to two years. Capsules |
should be used within one year. Once an herb has been ground, it |
shortens the amount of time the herb is |
effective. So do pay careful attention to when you have purchased or |
stored an herb, for maximum |
effectiveness. |
When you use one of your herbs, whether for healing, cooking, or for |
magick, you should once again give |
thanks to the Mother for Her bounty. |
Teas |
The herbs that will be used for herbal teas are generally the cut and |
sifted form, or the crumbled dried leaves |
and/or flowers. Herbs should always be prepared in nonmetallic |
containers. Steep the herbs in a nonmetallic |
container with water that has just been brought to a boil. This is an |
infusion, and is used for the more delicate |
herbs to prevent destroying their healing agents. |
A decoction is used to extract the healing agents from herbs that are |
roots and barks. The herbs are |
simmered in a nonmetallic cooking container for about one hour. Simmer |
uncovered until the amount of |
water is reduced by one half. Those herbs that contain important |
volatile oils should be simmered in a tightly |
covered pot. |
Don't add table sugar to herbal teas. If a sweetener is needed, use |
pure, unmolested honey for its nutritional |
benefits, or use stevia. |
Bolus |
A bolus is a suppository. It is made by combining powdered herbs with |
cocoa butter. The two are mixed |
together until it is the consistency of stiff pie dough. It is then |
refrigerated to harden and preserve. Allow to |
come to room temperature before use. Roll into strips and cut into |
pieces about one inch long. Boluses are |
inserted into the rectum for treating hemorrhoids, and into the vagina |
for treating vaginal infections and |
irritations, as well as tumors. Boluses are used at night. The cocoa |
butter will of course melt with your body |
heat, so take precautions to protect clothing and bedding. Residues of |
the bolus should be rinsed away the |
next morning. |
Oils |
Oil extracts are made from fresh herbs that contain volatile oils used |
for healing. Fresh herbs are necessary |
for the extraction of the oils. The fresh herbs are crushed with a |
mortar and pestle. Olive or sesame oil is |
then added, at the ratio of one pint of oil for every two ounces of |
herbs. The mixture is allowed to stand in a |
warm place, out of direct light, for three days. The oils are stored in |
dark, glass containers. After the three |
days, add one capsule of Vitamin E to each bottle for preserving the |
extracted oils. This is another process |
that is best done on the new moon. |
Syrups |
Syrups are used for treating coughs and sore throats, and make it easy |
to give herbs to children. Two ounces |
of herb are added to a quart of water in a nonmetallic container, and |
boiled down slowly and gently until about |
a pint of liquid is left. Strain while it is still warm, and add two |
ounces of honey and/or glycerine. Lemon oil or |
juice can also be added for flavor. Store in a dark glass container. |
Capsules |
Capsules are the best way to take herbs that do not taste good. They are |
also the best way to take herbs that |
need to be ingested over a long period of time, or for those of us who |
don't have time at work to make herbal |
teas. It is best to purchase finely powdered herbs for this purpose. The |
small "0" sized capsules are used, or |
the larger "00". The powdered herbs are blended together, if an herbal |
combination is desired. Then separate |
the two halves of the capsule, and fill each half. Then carefully put |
the two halves back together. Take |
according to the needs of the treatment. |
Tinctures |
Tinctures are easy to make, and a very convenient way to make use of the |
healing herbs in today's fast |
society. They are made with the more potent herbs that are generally not |
taken as herbal teas. |
Tinctures are made by combining 1 to 4 ounces of a powdered or |
thoroughly crushed herb with one pint of |
alcohol. The alcohol most often used is vodka. The amount of liquid |
should be more than the herbs can absorb, |
so you may need to add more as the days go by. It is shaken daily and |
allowed to stand in a warm place, out of |
direct light, for two weeks. The liquid is poured through a cloth, such |
as layers of cheesecloth. The herbs that |
remain are squeezed thoroughly to remove as much of the liquid from them |
as possible. Keep the tincture |
stored in a dark glass bottle or jar. Tinctures are used by the drop. |
Don't be afraid of the alcohol content - if |
you want to be sure the alcohol won't affect you, or you are a |
recovering alcoholic, drop the recommended |
number of tincture drops into a cup of hot water, wait a few moments, |
and then drink. The alcohol will |
evaporate. Tinctures can be made of single herbs, or herbal |
combinations, depending upon your needs. It is |
traditional magick to begin your tinctures on the night of the new moon, |
and strain on the full moon, so that |
the waxing powers of the moon extract the maximum amount of healing |
agents from the herbs. |
Creams |
Creams are used to treat skin conditions of all kinds. They can be made |
by melting petroleum jelly and |
adding the herbs, although that is rather messy. A better method is to |
boil approximately 1 cup of the herb(s) |
to be used in 3 to 4 cups of water, in a non-metallic container, for |
about 15 minutes for leafy herbs and 30 |
minutes for root herbs to extract the volatile oils. You can then strain |
the herbs out, or leave them in if you so |
desire, depending on the cream you are making. Add 5 ounces of sesame or |
olive oil to the water remaining |
and continue to simmer over low heat until all of the water has |
evaporated. Melt 2 ounces of beeswax, and stir |
into the oil mixture. TIP: try to have the wax and the oil near the same |
temp, and stir like crazy! After the |
mixture cools a bit, add 2 teaspoons of Vitamin E oil as a preservative, |
and mix it in well. Pour into containers |
and allow to cool completely. Most creams will keep for up to one year. |
The Herbal Encyclopedia |
Healing herbs are often used in combinations when combating an illness. |
Herbs are combined to give the |
benefits needed from each, some to give a boost to others, some to boost |
the body with healing energies. Below |
are some of the more popular herbal combinations. The herbs can be taken |
singly for these illnesses as well, |
although the suggested combinations are best. Don't fret if you don't |
have all of the suggested herbs for any |
given combination - use what you have, and add the rest as soon as you |
can. These combinations can usually be |
in any form you choose - teas, tinctures, capsules, etc. You will want |
to use equal parts of each herb, or use |
more of the herb most needed, with equal parts of the booster herbs. |
Remember that in any herbal healing undertaken, diet is also very |
important. These combinations are not |
meant to be used in the place of a doctor's advice. Also realize that |
you should not take herbs continually |
over a long period of time on a daily basis, as your body may build an |
immunity to the herb itself, or you |
may experience side effects. The exception to this would be when |
treating a chronic illness, but even then, |
there should be time off for your body from the herbs on a regular |
schedule. Herbs are medicine, and |
should always be treated as such. |
Often, when taking antibiotic herbs, or prescription antibiotics, the |
natural bacteria in our digestive |
system is destroyed, making digestion difficult (and sometimes causing |
constipation) for several days to |
several weeks. To combat this, eat fresh yogurt daily, or take |
acidophilus capsules, to restore the natural |
digestive bacteria. This can also help to alleviate vaginal yeast |
infections in women. |
When using an herb or herbal combination to combat an illness or |
strengthen various systems in the body, |
it is best to start with a small amount, and then wait a few hours to be |
sure you are not going to have an |
adverse reaction, before continuing with the therapy. Stop any ingestion |
of herbs at the first sign of any |
adverse reaction. |
Herbs Used: Evening Primrose Oil, Raspberry Leaf, Nettle, |
Dandelion, Lemon Grass |
Recipe for Acne Help |
Bring to a simmer in a non-metallic pan 2 quarts water, 3 tablespoons |
Witchhazel bark, 1 tablespoon |
ground cinnamon, 1 tablespoon ground cloves; let simmer for 5 minutes. |
Then add 1/2 cup chopped fresh |
thyme, 1 cup fresh chopped peppermint leaves, and 1/2 cup fresh chopped |
marjoram. Simmer 5 more minutes, |
set aside until cold. Mix 1/2 cup of the simmered mixture with 2 |
teaspoons cider vinegar, 2 ounces grain |
alcohol(vodka is best), 4 drops lemon oil, and enough water to make one |
pint. Apply with cotton to acne |
prone areas after washing. A good aloe moisturizer afterwards is |
recommended. |
Herbs used: Blessed Thistle, Skullcap Goldenseal, Cayenne, |
Marshmallow, Lobelia, Burdock. |
Other uses: Colds, Hay Fever, Upper respiratory infections |
Herbs Used: Red Beet, Yellow Dock, Lobelia, Burdock, |
Nettle, Mullein |
Other uses: Energy, Fatigue, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's Disease |
Herbs Used: Cayenne, Garlic, Hawthorne, Parsley |
Other Uses: Blood Pressure, Heart |
Herbs Used: Yucca, Comfrey, Alfalfa, Yarrow, Cayenne, Lobelia, |
Burdock, Chaparral, Black Cohosh, Cat's |
Claw, Lemon Grass |
Other uses: Bursitis, Rheumatism, Gout, Blood Cleanser |
Herbs Used: For the acute phase of CFS, a combination of echinacea, |
goldenseal, and licorice. If this |
combination is needed for more than seven days, add potassium-rich |
foods and/or herbs to your diet. For |
the chronic phase, a combination of goldenseal, astragulus, licorice, |
ginseng, and evening primrose oil. One |
month on, one month off is the recommended usage |
frame. |
Other Uses: The combination of herbs for the chronic phase is being |
studied for the treatment of |
Multiple Sclerosis. |
Herbs used: Chamomile, Slippery Elm, Cayenne, Goldenseal, Myrrh, |
Peppermint, Sage, Lemon Grass, Rose |
Hips, Garlic |
Other uses: Bronchitis, Ear infections, Fevers, Flu, Tonsillitis |
Herbs Used: Alfalfa, Peppermint, Fennel, Catnip |
Other uses: Digestive disorders, Heartburn, Appetite |
Herbs Used: Aloe Vera, Slippery Elm, Barberry |
Other uses: Cleansing, Colon |
Herbs Used: Elecampane, Wild Cherry Bark, Licorice, Comfrey |
Root, Lobelia |
Other uses: Hay fever, Sore throats |
Apply cream made from calendula, or a cream made from |
aloe. |
Herbs Used: Chamomile, Ginseng, Licorice, Cayenne, |
Gotu Kola |
Other uses: Endurance, Energy, Memory |
Herbs Used: Oil of Mullein, Garlic Oil, or Lobelia Extract drops |
directly into the ear. |
Herbs Used: Cayenne, Ginseng, Gotu Kola |
Also add: Bee pollen, bee propolis, royal jelly |
Other uses: Endurance, Fatigue, Memory |
Herbs Used: Goldenseal, Bayberry, Eyebright |
Other uses: Eyewash, Allergies, Hay fever, Cataracts |
Herbs Used: Black Cohosh, Ginger, Raspberry Leaf, Blessed |
Thistle, Dong Quai |
Other uses: Hormonal balance, Vaginal problems, Uterine infections |
Herbs Used: Ginger, Cayenne, Goldenseal, Licorice |
Other uses: Nausea, Motion sickness |
Herbs Used: Comfrey, Horsetail, Alfalfa, Slippery |
Elm |
Other uses: Fingernails, Hair, Joints, Teeth |
Before bed, mix together the juice of 2 lemons, 4 ounces olive oil, 6 |
ounces Coke Classic; drink. Upon |
rising, take 10 ounces of magnesium citrate (available in drug stores). |
Do not eat until you have had your |
first bowel movement. Bowel movements will continue sporadically for |
several hours, so do this on a day |
you are at home! |
Herbs Used: Goldenseal, Myrrh (both internally and as a |
mouthwash) |
Herbs Used: Hawthorne, Cayenne, Garlic |
Other uses: Arteriosclerosis, Cholesterol, Circulation |
Herbs Used: Anise seed, Fennel seed, Peppermint, |
Cinnamon, Lavendar |
Herbs Used: pau d'arco(taheebo), Echinacea, Burdock, |
Spirulina, Kelp, Cat's Claw |
Herbs Used: Echinacea, Goldenseal, Cayenne, Myrrh |
Other uses: Colds, Earaches, Fevers, Flu, Measles, Mumps |
For repelling insects on skin: Mix 1 teaspoon each of essential oils of |
pennyroyal, citronella, eucalyptus, |
rosemary, and tansy. Shake oils in 1 cup of vegetable or olive oil. |
Store away from light in a sealed |
container. Use by rubbing a small amount between the palms of your |
hands, and then apply to any exposed |
skin. Avoid applying to the face to prevent eye contact. Reapply as |
necessary. Discontinue using if a rash |
develops(some people are sensitive to pennyroyal oil. Test on a small |
area first). Also safe for animal use. |
Herbs Used: Valerian, Skullcap Hops |
Other uses: Headaches, Stress, Hyperactivity |
Herbs Used: Juniper, Uva Ursi, Marshmallow, Ginger, |
Goldenseal, Dandelion |
Other uses: Bladder, Urinary problems |
Herbs Used: Dandelion, Parsley, Horsetail, Blessed (or Milk) Thistle, |
Chamomile, Lobelia, Wild Yam, Ginger, |
Sassafras, Kelp |
Other uses: Cleansing, Kidneys, Spleen, Gall Bladder |
Herbs Used: Comfrey, Fenugreek, Marshmallow, Mullein, |
Chickweed |
Other uses: Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Hay Fever, Pneumonia |
Herbs Used: Gingko Biloba, Gotu Kola, Ginseng |
Other Uses: Energy, Circulation, Tinnitus |
Herbs Used: Black Cohosh, Licorice, False Unicorn, Ginseng, Squaw |
Vine, Blessed Thistle |
Other uses: Hormone imbalance, Menstrual problems, Hot flashes, Uterine |
problems |
Herbs Used: Cramp Bark, Ginger root, Raspberry Leaf, Yellow |
Dock, Vitex, Wild Yam |
Herbs Used: Fenugreek, Thyme, Lobelia, Wood Betony, |
Feverfew |
Other uses: Fever, Flu, Headache |
Herbs Used: Wild Yam, Dandelion, Ginger, Vitex |
Herbs Used: Black Cohosh, Cayenne, Valerian, Ginger, St. |
Johnswort, Hops, Wood Betony |
Other uses: Headaches, Anxiety, Stress |
Herbs Used: Burdock, Mullein, Yellow Dock (bathing in a peppermint tea |
bath will relieve the itching as |
well as aid in drying up the oak/ivy) |
Other uses, Itching, Insect Bites |
Herbs Used: Evening Primrose Oil, Dong Quai, Vitex |
Other uses: Menstrual regulation, Painful breasts |
Herbs Used: Black Cohosh, Licorice, Kelp, Gotu Kola, Ginger, Cayenne, |
Juniper, Uva Ursi, Taheebo, Saw |
Palmetto, Cat's Claw |
Other uses: Bladder, Liver, Spleen |
Herbs Used: Chickweed, Licorice, Safflower, Echinacea, Black Walnut, |
Hawthorn, Papaya, Fennel, Dandelion |
Other uses: Energy, Cleanser |
Stimulant: |
Damiana, Ginseng, Saw Palmetto, Gotu Kola |
Depressant: |
Hops, Skullcap Valerian |
Herbs Used: Horsetail, Sage, Rosemary |
Other uses: Hair, Nails |
Herbs Used: Marshmallow Fenugreek |
Alternate: Cayenne, Ginger mixed with honey and lemon |
Herbs Used: Hops, Skullcap Slippery Elm, Valerian, |
Lobelia |
Other uses: Cough, Nerves, Stress |
Herbs Used: Irish Moss, Kelp, Parsley, Black Walnut, |
Sarsaparilla |
Other uses: Fatigue, Glands, Lymphatic System |
Herbs Used: Chaparral, Red Clover, Taheebo (Pau |
d'arco) |
Other uses: Cleansing, Blood Disorders |
Herbs Used: Cayenne, Goldenseal, Myrrh, Marshmallow, |
Calendula |
Other uses: Indigestion, Heartburn |
Herbs Used: Cayenne, Garlic, White Oak Bark, Marshmallow, Mullein (all |
mixed together and used as a |
bolus) |
Other uses: Leuchorea, Vagina |
The Herbal Encyclopedia |
The following is help for those trying to get pregnant, already |
pregnant, or about to experience the |
blessed event. Once again, please seek the assistance of a qualified |
person before taking these herbs. Use |
at your own risk. |
Fertility |
The first place to start is at the beginning. Below are some things that |
will help to improve your fertility |
when the decision is made to go from a couple to a family. |
First, you need to check with a physician to determine where the |
infertility problem lies. Many things can |
affect fertility for both the man and the woman. A few tests will go a |
long way to preventing a lot of |
hair-pulling and finger-pointing. If sperm count is low, a quick |
solution is to wear boxers instead of |
briefs. Sperm needs to be cooler than the body temperature to form |
properly. |
Uterine fibroids, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, stress, age - all have a |
factor in fertility for women, and |
these situations need to be addressed and treated before embarking on an |
herbal treatment for fertility. |
You should not be in such a hurry to get pregnant that you put yourself |
or your fetus in any kind of |
danger. |
Fertility Tonic |
2 parts ho shou wu |
1 part astragalus root |
1 part dong quai root (substitute ginseng for men) |
2 parts false unicorn root |
3 parts wild yam root |
1 part vitex berries |
1 part squaw vine |
1 part cinnamon |
The tonic may be used in tincture (3/4 teaspoon daily), capsule (3 |
capsules twice per day), or tea (one cup |
three times per day) form. Use daily for up to 3 months. During this |
time, change your lifestyle to include |
plenty of exercise, rest, and above all, a healthy diet. Take a |
multivitamin every day, as well as bee pollen, |
propolis, and/or royal jelly. Your life is a direct reflection of what |
is going on in your body, both male and |
female. Take stock and change what you should to aid in overcoming the |
infertility. And remember - |
sometimes trying too hard can make it difficult to conceive! |
Herbs During Pregnancy |
These are herbs that will help the mother and baby in the early |
development stages. |
Black Haw - used in the early stages of pregnancy to help prevent |
miscarriage |
Blessed Thistle - used in the latter stages of pregnancy as a liver |
tonic and builder, as well as a stimulant |
of blood flow to the mammaries, and used to increase milk production; |
also reduces hemorrhaging during |
childbirth |
Burdock Root - has a high concentration of vitamins and minerals and is |
a liver booster |
Chamomile - lifts the spirits and calms the nerves, used for digestive |
disorders during pregnancy, is |
combined with ginger to help morning sickness, and has a high calcium |
content as well as an |
anti-inflammatory aid |
Cramp Bark - a remedy to have handy in case of spot bleeding during |
early stages of pregnancy, and helps |
prevent miscarriage due to stress and anxiety |
Dandelion - greens and root - a high source of vitamins and minerals, |
aids digestion, nourishes and tones |
the system, diuretic, useful for fatigue and exhaustion, liver booster |
Ginger Root - used for morning sickness and digestive problems, safe |
during pregnancy for treating colds, |
sore throats, and congestion |
Kelp - high in vitamins and minerals, aids thyroid |
Nettle Leaf - rich in many vitamins and minerals, especially iron, so it |
is very useful for those suffering |
from chronic fatigue and exhaustion due to low iron, aids in enriching |
and stimulating flow of milk; good |
for use throughout all stages of the pregnancy |
Red Raspberry Leaf - tones and nourishes the uterine muscles, rich in |
vitamins and minerals, enriches and |
increases milk flow, restores the system after childbirth; good for the |
entire pregnancy |
Spirulina - high in vitamins and nutrients |
Bee Products - many nutritional benefits |
Always remember to eat a very healthy diet when pregnant and/or nursing! |
Many herbs contain steroids that can affect the baby's development |
during pregnancy and/or nursing. |
Others may be of a mild toxic type, and others may be strong uterine |
stimulants. Please read this section |
carefully and take heed. |
Angelica - stimulates suppressed menstruation |
Black Cohosh - uterine stimulant - mostly used during labor |
Blue Cohosh - a stronger uterine stimulant |
Borage oil - a uterine stimulant - use only during the last few days of |
pregnancy |
Comfrey - can cause liver problems in mother and fetus - use only |
briefly, externally only, for treating |
sprains and strains - |
Dong Quai - may stimulate bleeding |
Elder - do not use during pregnancy or lactation |
Fenugreek - uterine relaxant |
Goldenseal - too powerful an antibiotic for the developing fetus, also |
should not be used if nursing |
Henbane - highly toxic |
Horsetail - too high in silica for the developing fetus |
Licorice Root - can create water retention and/or elevated blood |
pressure |
Motherwort - stimulates suppressed menstruation |
Mugwort - can be a uterine stimulant |
Nutmeg - can cause miscarriage in large doses |
Pennyroyal Leaf - stimulates uterine contractions (NOTE: Pennyroyal |
essential oil should not be used by |
pregnant women at any time!) - do not handle if pregnant or nursing |
Rue - strong expellant |
Saffron - can cause miscarriage and other problems |
Shepherd's Purse - used only for hemmorhaging during/after childbirth |
Uva Ursi - removes too much blood sugar during pregnancy and nursing |
Yarrow - uterine stimulant |
The Herbal Encyclopedia |
Herbs for Children |
There are many herbal treatments that are safe and effective for use |
with children of all ages. Here I |
will deal with the childhood illnesses and problems I am most often |
asked about. |
The most important factor in dealing with any illness, whether acute or |
chronic, is diet. A proper diet |
goes a long way to alleviating problems and illnesses that stem from |
inadequate nutrition. Were you aware |
that medical studies are proving that diet can profoundly affect illness |
in children? It has also been |
proven that a lot of dietary factors are responsible for worsening such |
problems as Attention Deficit |
Disorder (ADD), hyperactivity, asthma, and others. A child who is |
getting what his or her body needs |
through good nutrition is going to develop more normally, be less prone |
to illness, and the duration of |
common illnesses is shortened. |
Remember too that our children today are under a lot of stress, just as |
us adults are. Peer pressures, |
pressures in the classroom, dealing with separation anxieties and broken |
marriages are just some of the |
things creating stressful situations for our youngsters. This stress can |
manifest itself in many |
mysterious physical and mental ailments. Teaching your children when |
young how to meditate and relax is |
an important building block for their young lives, and is a useful tool |
that they will carry with them |
through adulthood. |
Diaper Rash |
This is a common problem that is easy to deal with. It is usually caused |
by irritating diapers, prolonged |
contact with wet or dirty diapers, or even a reaction to the soap used |
to wash cotton diapers. Some foods |
and juices ingested by the infant can raise acid levels in the urine and |
stool, causing a skin reaction. Wash |
the baby thoroughly and dry thoroughly at each diaper change. Use plain |
mild soap and water, as some of |
those baby wipes can irritate, due to the chemicals in them. Leaving the |
diaper off for a while each change |
can also help clear up the rash. You can apply a cream made of calendula |
and/or aloe vera. You can also add |
to that mixture comfrey and/or chickweed. Remember that problem will not |
go away with herbs alone. You |
also need to determine the cause and eliminate it. |
Cradle Cap |
Cradle cap usually appears in the first month of an infant's life. Make |
a decoction of calendula and |
comfrey root. Rinse the baby's head with the warm solution each night, |
allowing it to air dry on the scalp. |
It may take a few days for this to clear up the problem. You can also |
massage olive oil into the scalp each |
night, washing it away thoroughly with a mild soap and water each |
morning. Leaving the oil on the scalp |
continually can actually increase the problem. |
Teething |
Teething pain can be soothed by giving a chamomile and/or lemon balm |
infusion internally. Mix a teaspoon |
of powdered slippery elm bark with a little water to make a paste, and |
rub it gently on the gums. |
Chickenpox |
Chickenpox usually strikes in young children, but older ones do get it |
as well. To relieve the itching that |
usually makes the pox so unbearable, you can make a decoction of |
chickweed, comfrey, and rosemary. Apply |
the warm mixture with a clean cloth. Don't rub, as this will irritate |
the sores and can cause them to leave |
scars, but gently pat the solution on. Allow to air dry. This can be |
applied several times per day to relieve |
the itching. Internally, the child may benefit from a mild infusion of |
echinacea, catnip, chickweed, and |
yarrow. After the illness, and after any illness, the child's digestive |
system will benefit from acidophilus, |
or a cup of yogurt, to aid getting the beneficial bacteria in the |
digestive system back in balance. |
Measles |
Measles is usually treated herbally in the same manner as chicken pox. |
Eye strain and discomfort is |
common with the measles, so keep the child in a darkened room. A mild |
infusion of eyebright may be used to |
ease discomfort in the eyes. This can be used as a wash for the older |
child, or for young children you can |
soak a clean cloth in the eyebright infusion and apply as an external |
compress over the eyes. |
Cough |
Coughs in children are common, and usually accompany many of the normal |
childhood illnesses. A cough that |
continues for several days, or increases in severity, should be |
immediately checked by a physician to rule |
out other diseases. A mild infusion of mullein and coltsfoot usually |
helps the mild cough. Horehound and/or |
ginger can be added if a stronger combination is needed for older |
children. The child can also benefit from |
chest rubs of tea tree oil or peppermint oil. Both should be diluted in |
olive or sesame oil, and remember to |
do a patch test first to determine sensitivity. Inhaling the vapors of |
the essential oil of lavendar, and/or |
a warm bath that includes lavendar oil, can also help clear a cough. Cut |
back or eliminate dairy products in |
children that have a lot of mucous with their coughs, as dairy often |
adds to the production of mucous. |
Colic |
Colic is torture for the baby and the parent. There are easy ways to |
alleviate the problem, however. Give |
the baby a small amount of peppermint, chamomile, or catnip infusion in |
a bottle at the first sign of |
distress. It also helps to give the baby a warm bath that has lavendar |
essential oil added. The vapors have |
a calming, soothing affect on baby and parent. Breastfeeding mothers |
will want to add some fennel to their |
diet for a couple of days to help alleviate the colic. |
Colds |
Most of the same herbs used to treat colds in adults can also treat |
colds in children. You will want to |
reduce the dosages, however, or make milder infusions than normal. Steam |
or inhalant therapy can also |
help, using essential oils of lavendar, tea tree, eucalyptus, and/or |
peppermint. Make sure the child is |
getting plenty of vitamin C in their daily diet for the duration of the |
cold. |
Diarrhea |
Diarrhea can cause dehydration rapidly in small infants and very young |
children. It can be treated with a |
mild infusion of meadowsweet, rosemary, and/or red raspberry. If |
diarrhea continues for more than three |
days, or is accompanied by blood in the stool, or severe cramping, seek |
emergency medical care immediately. |
Anxiety, Stress, Excitability |
Externally, these problems can be alleviated with a warm herbal bath at |
bedtime. Combine a handful of |
lavendar and a handful of chamomile in one quart of water. Bring to a |
boil, cover, and let steep for 15 to |
20 minutes. Strain, then add the liquid to a warm bath for the child. |
This is good for colicky infants as |
well. Allow the child to bathe and relax in the warm water. Internally, |
a cup of the infusion of chamomile |
and/or skullcap can be very beneficial and calming. |
Hyperactivity, ADD |
There is strong evidence that chemicals such as heavy metal pollutants, |
dietary allergies such as to wheat, |
corn, dairy, etc., and artificial colorings, preservatives, or |
flavorings, play a role in these problems. As |
such, you will want to treat by supporting both the nervous system and |
the liver, aiding in detoxification. |
A treatment plan should consist of chamomile, gotu kola, skullcap red |
clover, milk thistle, and gingko |
biloba. A daily supplement of flax seed and/or grape seed oil has also |
shown to be beneficial. The herbal |
bath above can help, as well as inhaling or massaging with a calming |
essential oil such as lavendar. And |
most important, look at changing the diet to one that supports the body. |
Natural diet is best. Eliminate |
foods that could cause an allergic reaction, and add them back to the |
diet one at a time, watching for any |
changes in the child's behavior. Be sure the child gets adequate amounts |
of zinc and B-complex vitamins as |
well. |
Mumps |
Mumps can be treated internally with a combination of echinacea, clover, |
chamomile, and peppermint. |
Externally, fresh chopped ginger applied as a compress can alleviate the |
pain of the swelling. Gentle |
massage of the swollen areas with chamomile oil is also beneficial. |
Inhaling eucalyptus oil also helps. |
Tonsillitis |
Tonsillitis can be treated with echinacea, mullein, chamomile, and sage |
internally. A gargle of salt water, |
honey and lemon (if the child is over the age of three), or sage |
infusion can greatly ease the discomfort. |
Influenza |
Flu can be treated internally with boneset, fenugreek, peppermint, |
echinacea, and mullein. Eucalyptus or |
tea tree oil can be inhaled to open blocked sinus passages, or rubbed on |
the chest to help open the |
bronchial tubes. Additional vitamin C and zinc are also beneficial. |
Lice |
Lice can be treated by placing drops of tea tree oil on a fine toothed |
comb, and comb the hair thoroughly |
every day for two weeks. Wash the hair nightly with a mild shampoo that |
has oil of thyme and tea tree oil |
added. Alternatively, you can mix together 4 cups of apple cider |
vinegar, 4 cups of water, 1/2 ounce oil of |
thyme; use nightly as a shampoo. |
Impetigo |
Internally give a combination of echinacea, chickweed, and astragalus 3 |
to 4 times per day. Reduce the |
child's intake of dairy, red meats, and peanut butter, as all have been |
shown to irritate this illness. Wash |
the sores carefully with an infusion made of calendula several times per |
day. |
The Herbal Encyclopedia |
Glossary and Definitions |
A guide to those difficult, confusing, and hard to understand |
terms and jargon |
Abortificant causes induced or spontaneous abortion |
Alterative helps to restore normal health, cleanses and purifies the |
blood, gradually restores normal |
bodily functions |
Analgesic relieves pain |
Anaphrodisiac reduces the sexual appetites |
Anthelmintic helps kill and get rid of parasites in the body |
Antibacterial destroys or stops the growth of bacteria |
Antibiotic destroys or stops the growth of microorganisms in the body |
Antifungal destroys or stops the growth of fungi, such as athlete's foot |
Anti-inflammatory reduces or counteracts inflammations |
Antioxidant inhibits or prevents oxidation |
Antispasmodic relieves voluntary and involuntary muscle spasms |
Antitussive prevents or eliminates coughing |
Antiviral inhibits or eliminates a virus |
Aphrodisiac creates or enhances sexual arousal |
Aromatherapy relies on the aroma of healing plants to stimulate healing, |
relaxation, mood alteration, and |
overall well-being |
Asthenia loss of or lack of strength, usually affecting the muscular |
system |
Astringent firms organs and tissues as well as reduces excretions |
Bolus an herbal suppository inserted in the vagina or rectum |
Calmative soothing action on the body's systems |
Carcinogenic causes cancer |
Cardiac about or relating to the heart |
Carminative relieves intestinal gas and accompanying annoyances |
Catarrh inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose and breathing |
passages, sometimes chronically |
Cathartic strong laxative that acts fast |
Cholagogue increases the flow of bile from the gall bladder |
Choleretic stimulates the liver to produce more bile |
Cirrhosis loss of tissue function of an organ, usually the liver |
Cystitis inflammation and irritation of the urinary bladder |
Decoction an extract made by putting the parts of a healing plant into |
water and bringing it to a boil, then |
cooled and strained for medicinal use |
Demulcent protects and soothes internal mucous membranes |
Dermatitis inflammation or irritation of the skin |
Detoxicant eliminates toxins |
Diaphoretic increases perspiration |
Diuretic eliminates excess fluids and aids the kidneys and bladder |
Emetic induces vomiting |
Emollient protects and soothes the skin |
Enteritis irritation and inflammation of the small intestine |
Essential oil plant oils, usually highly scented, extracted from healing |
plants for healing applications |
Expectorant aids discharge of phlegm and mucous from the lungs and |
throat |
Extract withdrawing the desired constituents from a plant through |
physical and/or chemical means |
Fast to abstain from all or most foods for a specific period |
Febrifuge reduces fevers |
Fomentation a hot compress made by soaking a cloth in a decoction or |
infusion, then applying externally |
Gastroenteritis inflammation and irritation of the stomach and |
intestines |
Hemostatic stops the flow of blood |
Hepatic having to do with the liver |
Herbalism the practice of identifying and using plants that have |
medicinal qualities |
Homeopathy a system of medicine that stresses the administration of |
minute doses that would produce |
symptoms of the disease in healthy persons; it is based on the system |
belief that "like cures like" |
Hypertensive raises the blood pressure, or deals with high blood |
pressure |
Hypotensive lowers the blood pressure, or deals with low blood pressure |
Hypnotic relaxant and sedative that induces sleep |
Infusion medicinal made by pouring boiling water over an herb, or adding |
an herb to boiling water, similar |
to a tea |
Inhalant a remedy breathed through the nose or mouth |
Irritant something that causes irritation or inflammation |
Jaundice yellowing of the skin caused by bile pigments in the tissues |
Laxative aids in promoting bowel movements |
Lesion a wound or inflammation, internal or external |
Liniment a liquid or thin paste used externally as a pain reliever or |
counterirritant |
Naturopathy medical treatment based on using natural plants and agents |
to cause a cure or prevention |
Nephritis inflammation and irritation of the kidneys |
Nervine strengthens and normalizes the nervous system |
Ointment a solid form of medication applied to the skin |
Opthalmic soothes and heals the eyes |
Photosensitive a heightened sensitivity to light or direct sun |
Poultice a plaster applied externally, usually hot |
Prophylactic aids in warding off diseases |
Purgative induces the evacuation of the intestines |
Renal having to do with the kidneys |
Salve the same as an ointment |
Sclerosis hardening of tissue due to inflammation |
Sedative calms by lowering the activity of an organ or body part |
Stimulant increases internal body heat, strengthens metabolism and body |
circulation |
Tea a dried herb steeped in hot water for drinking |
Thrombosis a blood clot that partially or completely blocks a blood |
vessel |
Tincture a medication derived from the medicinal agents in herbs being |
dissolved into alcohol |
Tinnitus persistent ringing sound in the ear |
Tonic stimulates the overall body systems |
Toxins poisons |
Ulcer a slow-healing wound, either internal or external |
Vaginitis irritation, inflammation, or infection of the vagina |
Vasodilator relaxes the blood vessels |